Hope you're ready for this month's update!


I wanted to share another pair of Pawel's commissions (see October 22 update). These images evoke so much about the setting of Blue Planet there is little my words can add. This seemingly innocuous domestic scene perfectly juxtaposes the native descendants of the Athena Project with the growing sprawl of the colonial newcomers. 

This scene of high tech exploration similarly juxtaposes the vast scale of Poseidon against the nascent presence of humanity, offering hope that it is still possible to protect rather than corrupt the planet. 


A year ago (October 21 update) I shared the raw text describing the dark, miserable, lunar research facility of Proteus Landing - one of the three "Station" stretch goals. This month I'm sharing the raw text of the campaign archetype written specifically for the Proteus Landing location. It's called Night Shift and it's intended as an example of the kind of environmental horror that is so readily evoked with Blue Planet. It was one of Pawel's two archetypes, and he hit every tension-filled note perfectly...


The maps are still undergoing final edits and tweaks to make sure everything is located, labeled and spelled correctly and that we don't inadvertently leave some place out. The mechanics, character creation and field guide chapters have been sent to layout, and my hope is that with the next update I will be able to start sharing PDFs sections with backers. Who's game to stalk the Frontier for typos?

It feels like we've finally entered orbit around Poseidon and are about to start the landing effort. Can't wait to begin assembling the actual colony...