Happy New Year Everyone! 

Thank you all for the continued support, enthusiasm and patience. It is my sincere hope that 2023 is a better year for all. 

Now, on to 2199...


Come join Biohazard Games at OrcaCon 2023 next weekend - Jan 6th-8th, in Bellevue, WA. I'll be there and running both Blue Planet: Recontact and Upwind. Though the official games are full, I could easily be convinced to run a special backers-only session if there was interest. 

Layout Samples

Layout is underway - woohoo! Thomas is experimenting with the template and I have a few pages from one of the tests to share. I'm anticipating a few tweaks, but this is close to what the final layout will be, so let us know what you think!


Can't pass up the chance to share another of Pawel's commissions. Evocative is not a strong enough word...


I'm keen to share another of the new archetypes - The Argonauts.  This one may be a little unexpected, but I think Mari did a great job of stretching our expectations about what can be done within the BP setting, and I love it. Please note this is raw text, and has yet to meet our editor Rachel in combat.

Hope this update has you fired up and excited for more. Thank you all and Happy New Year!