Upwind Update on RPPR

Ross Payton at RPPR was super-cool and invited me to do a follow-up interview for the show's Game Designer's Workshop. We talked about what I learned running the Upwind Kickstarter and where we are on the project. As always it was great fun to talk with him, so if you are interested in hearing the latest on Upwind, check it out here...

Upwind Art Teaser

The final images for the Upwind core book are coming in fast. Check out this teaser and get psyched. We have shared a full, raw-text preview with all backers, layout will start soon and then it's off to to the presses. Defy the Dark!


Upwind Update

Check out the latest Upwind Update and some cool character sketches from the Grand Amplifier campaign playtest. 

Word Counts & Design Sketches

We are cranking along on Upwind production.

This week I finished the draft of Chapter 3 of the Grand Amplifier campaign (17k words!) and James just presented me with a skyship's hold full of design sketches for his core book illustrations. Both are in rough form but I'm too excited not to share.

Please don't forget to fill out your Backerkit surveys if you received one or to pass on the site link to anyone you think might want to get themselves some Upwind.  

Thanks for the continued support.  

320% Funded!

Woohoo! The Upwind Kickstarter campaign concluded today with 496 backers and almost $33,000. We could not be more surprised, more grateful or more excited by the outcome. We will soon be up and running on Backerkit, so if you want to include some add-ons with your pledge, or if you're just a little late to the party and would like to get in on Upwind, you'll be able to do so through that platform. We will provide a link here when that site is up and running, but in the meantime remember…

Upwind Primer

We are super-excited to deliver our first actual Upwind product - the Quickstart Primer - and before the campaign is even over! The Primer was unlocked through the social media campaign, and due to the great work of John and Aileen, it is done and ready to go. This link will take you to the Upwind downloads where you can grab the Primer and the pregen characters you need to play the introductory scenario. Read it. Play it. Share it. Seriously, please share copies with all the gamers you know! 

This document is also a practice run for the layout of the actual core book, so let us know what you think. We will continue making tweaks to the Primer design until we settle on a final form for the book, so please send us any input via email. Thank you so much for all the support and enjoy!



Upwind Q&A on RPG.net

Join us Sunday evening at 5p CT for a live Q&A chat on RPG.net hosted by Dan Davenport. We are looking forward to answering all your Upwind questions. Follow this link and jump right in...

Ships of the Realms

Whoo-hoo! You all have done it again - made the Upwind project even bigger, better and badder (in the good way) for everyone! The Ships of the Realms vessel identification poster stretch goal has been unlocked! Ships of the Realms a 34” x 22” full-color poster that will add a ton of visual and background information to the setting by showing the relative sizes, designs, color schemes, armaments, features and national flags of the various skyships of Upwind. There will even be several specific "vessels of note" including several known classes of Children of the Dark skyships. The information and visual world-building that will be in just this one product will be invaluable to players and moderators alike.

Reaching this level clears the way to the next goal (and my personal favorite) Upwind: Incursion, the print-and-play “miniatures-style” tactical wargame of skyship-to-skyship combat in the dim reaches of the Twilight Frontier. The game is a fast-playing, tactical challenge that depends on stealthy movement and decisive actions.

So excited for this one, so fingers crossed...

Legends of Tabletop

John Haremza over at Legends of Tabletop just had me on his show tonight to talk games, Biohazard and Upwind. Not only is he a great interviewer, but he's also the fastest poster in West as the interview is already up on his site. Head over and check it out!